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Top Destinations to Visit during winter in Kenya

Top Destinations to Visit during winter in Kenya
Kenya is an incredible destination that should be in your backet list of the top places to visit in East Africa, Kenya is one of the best places to visit and spend your winter in world class national parks, beautiful sand beaches and vibrant cities full of life and top tourist attractions and unique places to spend safari trip. Below are some of the top safari destinations to visit or to consider during your winter safari in Kenya including;
Masai Mara national reserve
Masai mara national reserve is prime safari destination in Kenya and home to the highest concentration of wild game in the world. Masai mara thin vegetation during the winter, makes spotting of several animals easier. The park boosts with the largest population of mammals including the Elephants, leopards, lions, gazelles to crocodiles, hippos and buffalos in the park more convenient. The permanent water holes in the park provide more conducive spot for game viewing following the wildebeest migration. Visitors on guided safaris, the guide will take you all through the designated spots where you will encounter the big five. Masai mara is the only national park you will all the big five game in one place and in bigger numbers. Masai mara is full of life from right to left, there is something to see of greater interest.
Masai mara major attractions: The great world cup of animals the wildebeest migration, epic wild life viewing, stunning hot air balloon safaris, Maasai culture experience, Scenic landscape, bird watching and night game drive perfect time for nocturnal animals.
Winter is the peak tourist season in Kenya therefore, prices tend to go hire since there are many visitors coming in to the country. Prices on accommodation, tours, activities tend to be increased compared to the low seasons. The parks also be crowded during this season.
Lake Nakuru National Park:
Lake Nakuru national park offers yet another incredible wildlife experience one of the places not to miss during your safari visit in Kenya. Winter is the best time to visit Lake Nakuru for rewarding wildlife viewing. The dry season means that, the parks permanent water sources offer the best spotting destination with the highest concentration of animals in one area making it easier to spot the abundant wildlife living in this national park.
One of the major draws to the park is the biggest number flamingos. Although the waters are filled with the flamingos all year round, the number drastically increases during the dry season when the migratory birds come in to the park. Observing these beautiful birds creating a pink blanket on the lakes surface offers breathtaking views and unique experience and stunning photographic view. During winter, the park is also best explored on foot, vehicle or on motor bike. You can also take guided nature and get up close and personal with the game or simply soak in the viewpoints from one of the parks many viewpoints.
Lake Nakuru national park major attractions. Bird watching, game viewing, Rhino Sanctuary, Baboon Cliff lookout, Makalia Falls, Hill climbing, Flamingo Island.
Why should you visit Lake Nakuru in Winter?
The park receives a bigger of several bird species during the winter including the Flamingos, pelicans and among other waterfowls in winter.
Winter also offers the best time for game viewing as the animals are more active during the cooler temperatures like the mornings and evenings which is the best time to do game drives or go on nature walk in the park. During the winter, the park’s vegetation is thinner making it easier to spot the animals.
Note that: Whereas the temperatures are generally mild in Lake Nakuru’s Winter, it can be cooler than during the warmer month most especially during the nights.
Malindi is a town located on the eastern coast of Kenya, along the Indian Ocean. It is situated in Kilifi County, which is part of the larger Coast Province of Kenya. Malindi is known for its beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and vibrant marine life, making it a popular tourist destination.
Malindi is a major tourist destination, attracting visitors with its pristine beaches, clear turquoise waters, and opportunities for water sports such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and fishing. Popular beaches include Malindi Beach, Watamu Beach, and Silver Sands Beach.
Malindi and nearby areas are home to marine national parks and reserves, such as Malindi Marine National Park and Watamu Marine National Park. These parks protect coral reefs and diverse marine life.
Malindi has historical and cultural attractions, including the Gedi Ruins, an ancient Swahili settlement dating back to the 13th century. The ruins showcase the architecture and way of life of the Swahili people.
This is a popular historical monument in Malindi, believed to be one of the oldest European monuments in Africa. It was built by the Portuguese in 1498 to commemorate the visit of Vasco da Gama, a Portuguese explorer.
Malindi has a rich cultural heritage influenced by Arab and Swahili cultures. This influence is evident in the architecture, cuisine, and way of life of the local people.
Apart from tourism, fishing and agriculture are significant economic activities in Malindi. Fishing is a major industry due to the town’s coastal location.
Malindi experiences a tropical climate, characterized by a wet season (from April to June) and a dry season (from July to March). The coastal location means it is typically hot and humid throughout the year.
Malindi is a stunning destination known for its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and outdoor recreational activities, making it a popular choice for tourists visiting Kenya’s coastal region.

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