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What is the price of gorilla trekking in Uganda?

he price of trekking with gorillas in Uganda varies depending on the trip provider. An economical three-day gorilla safari in Uganda costs roughly $1300, while a luxurious one costs $3900. The cost of a 10-day gorilla safari in Uganda ranges from $4800 for an economy trip to $6400 for a premium trip.
It’s one of the most exciting animal encounters on earth, despite the cost.  Looking into the eyes of a primate is an extremely fascinating experience. It is an event that you will always remember though it is also among the priciest wildlife getaways in Africa.

Why does gorilla trekking cost so much money?

The high cost of gorilla trekking might be attributed to various factors. The primary cause is because, with only about 1,000 mountain gorillas left in the wild, their existence is precarious and needs to be constantly researched and monitored. This high cost is a result of gorilla trekking permit fees being used to pay this.

Uganda Wildlife Authority employs people to keep a constant check on the gorillas’ general well-being, food sources, and movements throughout the area at all times. Every morning, trackers hike the mountains where they live to see how they’re doing. Additionally, armed rangers and tourism police are hired to go with tourists on gorilla hikes in order to protect them from poachers and other threats.

The exorbitant cost of gorilla trekking serves as a deterrent against human meddling with these amazing but endangered primates. Because of the possibility of disease transmission in close quarters between humans and mountain gorillas, the Uganda Wildlife Authority has created guidelines to assist safeguard the gorillas’ well-being. A party of no more than eight tourists is permitted to spend no more than 60 minutes with each habituated mountain gorilla group each day. Throughout a gorilla hike, guests are required to keep a 15-foot gap between themselves and the gorillas.

How can one obtain a permit to trek with gorillas in Uganda?

Both Mgahinga National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda allow gorilla trekking, while most permits are sold for Bwindi. Gorilla licenses in Uganda cost US $800 for a one-hour visit with the primates. A “Gorilla Habituation Permit,” which is required for the entire day of the event, costs $1500. The most effective and secure method of obtaining the permit is by working with a knowledgeable, neighborhood tour company like Adventure in the Wild Safaris.

When planning your East African vacation, let your tour operator know which dates you would want to go gorilla trekking. The tour operator will then inform you and temporarily reserve your desired dates if trekking is possible on those days. Next, submit a copy of the information from your passport, which will be needed to apply for your permission. In order for the tour operator to obtain the gorilla permission and for your names to be registered, they will require your full name, passport number, and nationality. When your tour operator receives payment via bank transfer or credit card, they will buy the gorilla permit.

What is the price of gorilla trekking in Uganda?

Of course, prices differ from one tour operator to the next, but an Adventure in the wild safari lasting three days in Uganda will cost you between $1,300 (economy) and $3,900 (luxury) per person. The cost of a 10-day gorilla safari in Uganda ranges from $4800 for an economy trip to $6400 for a premium trip. The majority of visitors favor the mid-range gorilla trip, according to evaluations from the majority of Uganda’s gorilla tour operators. Stated differently, not inexpensive, but also not outrageously costly. You can also cut costs by scheduling your safari during the off-peak months to view the critically endangered mountain gorillas! A few fundamental suggestions to help you get ready for your gorilla trip in Uganda:

1. Assess your level of fitness and train before you go.

Even for seasoned hikers, the high altitude of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest makes gorilla trekking considerably more challenging. Determine your degree of fitness, and if you lack experience hiking, visit the gym or go on a strenuous hike in your neighborhood before you leave to reach a sufficient level of fitness. As you train, bear in mind that it can take up to 10 hours to locate gorillas on your journey!

2. Be ready for any kind of weather.

The climate in the jungle is unpredictable, so during your gorilla trekking tour, it could be both hot and muggy and chilly and rainy all in the same day. Aim for unpredictable weather when you go on your gorilla trekking expedition.

3. Take water and food with you.

Uganda’s national parks are devoid of retail establishments. Although certain tour companies may provide packed lunches, it is imperative that you bring water and snacks. You may need to hike for up to eight hours to find the gorilla family you are tracking, so you will need to maintain your energy levels. Bananas, trail mix, and granola bars are a few simple items to carry. On a gorilla trip, never provide food to the primates! Find out more about what to pack on a safari in Africa.

4. Turn off your camera flash and protect it from water.

When embarking on a gorilla hike, you must waterproof your camera due to weather conditions and also make sure that you switch off your flashlight setting when trekking or in close contact to mountain gorillas, as flash photography is prohibited during these activities.

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